
wednesday Wisdom: Learning and Growing On and Off the Yoga Mat

As a lifelong writer and a yoga instructor since 2010, my mission is to inspire, guide, and empower you to be unapologetically fearless, confident, and completely yourself. Subscribe for ideas, inspiration, and information that will help transform you both on and off the yoga mat.

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You Control Your Joy😍

Happy Wednesday Reader! Enjoy the following highlights from the latest wednesday Wisdom! Inspiration We can't control what goes on in the world, but we can control how we approach each day. Click to read the full article Idea Pay attention to the simple, everyday joys. Notice your surroundings and find joy amidst the mundane. Focus on what you can control and influence and let go of what you cannot. Inquiry Consider spending a few minutes at the end of each day writing down the simple things...

candle for meditation

Happy Wednesday Reader! I hope you are well! Today's issue is about letting go and taking note of everyday beauty. Read on for: the circle of control and simple joys the art of letting go a monthly mantra Bridget's Bundle simple, but wise words my recommendations Off the Mat: Simple Joys Lately, I’ve been getting worked up about things over which I have no control. With the seemingly unending anger, violence, and discord that has become part of everyday life, I find myself emotionally drained...

Happy Wednesday Reader! I hope you are well! Today's issue is short and sweet. Read on for: find your why a meditation to inspire you monthly mantra Bridget's Bundle simple, but wise words my recommendations Off the Mat: Find Your Why For the last few days, I’ve been dealing with a few life situations that have taken me away from my writing. All is good now, but as I sat to write this article, I was reminded of why I should not procrastinate. Read the Article On the Mat: Manifest Your Desires...

Happy Wednesday Reader! Enjoy the following highlights from the latest wednesday Wisdom! Off the Mat When we think of meditation, we often believe the only way to do it right is to sit cross-legged, create a certain shape with our fingers, rest our hands on our legs, close our eyes, and make an unfamiliar humming sound. Yes, that is one way. Another is to sit or lie down and listen to a guided meditation. But, we can also meditate in our everyday activities by finding beauty and flow within...

recipe for banana bread

Happy Wednesday Reader! I hope you are well! Today's issue is about how meditation and mindfulness aren't all woo-woo, out there, difficult-to-access mumbo jumbo ideas for everyone else but you. Read on for: how you can integrate mindfulness and meditation into everyday life an interesting way to think about finding the stillness within monthly mantra Bridget's Bundle simple, but wise words a yummy recipe my recommendations Off the Mat: Meditating through Everyday Activities When my kids were...

Happy Wednesday Reader! Enjoy the following highlights from the latest wednesday Wisdom! Off the Mat In today’s world, there is an emphasis on looking ahead, moving forward, setting goals, and getting rid of the old to bring in the new. Yes, it’s important to clear out what we no longer need, both literally and figuratively. However, there is value in looking back. The past is a window in which we uncover little nuggets of history that help explain today and make informed decisions that can...

Happy Wednesday Reader! I hope you are well! Today's issue is about how letting go both physically and emotionally can create space for what's most important and help unveil a sense of peace and joy both on and off your mat. Read on for: how uncluttering can create a sense of calm and uncover cherished, joyful memories how letting go can change your life monthly mantra my latest offerings simple, but wise words ask me anything — NEW! my recommendations — NEW! Off the Mat: The Gift of...

Photo of Bridget Layne

Happy Wednesday Reader! Enjoy the following highlights from the latest wednesday Wisdom! Inspiration Let yourself begin anew. Pack your bags. Choose carefully what you bring, because packing is an important ritual. Take along some humility and lessons of the past. Toss in some curiosity and excitement about what you haven’t yet learned. Say your goodbyes to those you’re leaving behind. Don’t worry who you will meet or where you will go. The way has been prepared. The people you are to meet...

Happy Wednesday Reader and Happy New Year! I hope you are well and easing back into a routine after the holiday season. In light of the New Year, today's issue reads a little different than what you are used to but shares a message I hope will resonate. As always, I welcome your comments and inquiries. Hit reply and share your thoughts! I’ve never been a fan of New Year’s resolutions. I find the process creates unnecessary pressure and if I falter, I am disappointed in myself. Instead, I try...

Photo of Bridget Layne

Happy Wednesday Reader! Enjoy the following highlights from the latest wednesday Wisdom! Inspiration It’s no secret that loneliness is an epidemic. In this world of people walking around with eyes on their phones and AirPods in their ears, we have the opportunity to ease loneliness for ourselves and others by seeing, hearing, and engaging with all who cross our path. Idea Regardless of how you are feeling this holiday season — merry or melancholy, happy or heartbroken, loved or lonely, or...